Title: Robo-Walker
Platform: PC
Game Genre: Puzzle
Rating: E
Target Market: Ages 6+, casual gamers
Game Overview: This is a puzzle game where players will create a pathway for an automatic walking robot to reach the exit. There are lava pits that will stop the robot from reaching the exit, so players must avoid those while building the level. Coins can be collected for players who like to earn collectables and gain as high of a score as possible.
Instructions: Press the left and right arrow keys to move the camera around the level. Click on highlighted spaces to create a platform, or double click to create a platform with a spring. Coins can be collected to add to your coin score, but are not required. Avoid all lava pits and reach the door to complete the level.
Game Design Team: Devan Everette – Game Designer
Status | Released |
Platforms | HTML5 |
Author | DevanEverette |
Genre | Puzzle |
Made with | Unity |
Tags | digital-prototype, Unity |